Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

OutBound in PAzIR MUKtI BoGOr

Hi kids, Let's go back to nature by joining outbound in Pasir Mukti. there you can have some new exicting and unforgetable experience. You know, you can feel the nature by becoming a farmer's kid. Join lots of games such as tug a-war, volly ball, pillow-war, eel catching and wrestling in the muddy field. You will have a unique, wonderful and certainly "wet" experience. you can do some fishing there: mas,bawal,nila and gurame. nice, isn't it? see the picture! Wanna join this program? enroll your name immediately. spemding only Rp.110,000 you'll get Funky t-shirt,snack,soft drink,lunch and of course outbound games/activities. we'll be leaving on Sunday, April 13, 2008. contact the receptionist ok!

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