Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

OutBound in PAzIR MUKtI BoGOr

Hi kids, Let's go back to nature by joining outbound in Pasir Mukti. there you can have some new exicting and unforgetable experience. You know, you can feel the nature by becoming a farmer's kid. Join lots of games such as tug a-war, volly ball, pillow-war, eel catching and wrestling in the muddy field. You will have a unique, wonderful and certainly "wet" experience. you can do some fishing there: mas,bawal,nila and gurame. nice, isn't it? see the picture! Wanna join this program? enroll your name immediately. spemding only Rp.110,000 you'll get Funky t-shirt,snack,soft drink,lunch and of course outbound games/activities. we'll be leaving on Sunday, April 13, 2008. contact the receptionist ok!

Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

OuTiNG ProGRamz

Best students bekasi 09 enjoyed their free fun journeyin Bali. Are you the next?

Oh my lord! it's very huge I can't resist anymore! wanna help me?

Kawah Putih, Bandung

Minggu, 06 Januari 2008


Un-break My Heart
By Toni Braxton

Don't leave me in all this pain/place Don't leave me out in the rain/train Come back and bring back my smile/style Come and take these tears/fears away I need your arms to hold me now The nights are so unkind Bring back those nights/tights when I held you beside me 1-Un-break my heart Say you'll ________________ Un-do this hurt ___________ When you walked ________________ And walked outta my life/light Un-cry these tears/fears I cried/tried so many nights/lights Un-break my heart, my heart Take back that sad word _____________ Bring back the joy to my life/lies Don't leave me here with these tears/fears Come and kiss/kick this pain away I can't forget the day you left Time/tide is so unkind And life is so cruel without you here beside me (repeat 1) Oh, oh Don't leave me in all this pain/pace Don't leave me out in the rain/race Bring back the nights when I held you beside me (Rpt 1) Un-break my Un-break my heart, oh baby/may be Come back and say you love me Un-break my heart Sweet darlin' Without you I just can't go on Can't go on


1. Listen to the song and fill in the missing words. 2. Choose the correct words from the words in bold.
Vocabulary building skills
Prefixes: these are words added in front of roots words to modify or change their meanings
example :( pref.) Un- + (root wd) Happy = unhappy meaning – not happy
· What root words in the song, have the prefix un- in front of them? What does un- mean?
Find un- words in your dictionary that have a connection with not?


Unhappy, uncommon,
· What other negating prefixes do you know and what do they mean?
- Do you know about mis- prefixes? As in mis- + understanding? =misunderstanding.
How many mis- + root words can you find in your dictionary? How many words have a connection with the meaning wrong, bad, not correct?
For example misunderstand does not mean “not understand” but it means “understand wrongly or not correctly”

Prefix tasks

1. Look up words beginning with oct-, or octo-. What connection do they have with the number eight?
Did you find Octopus?
How many hands does an octopus have?
N:B Octo is the Latin for eight.
2. Sub- means under, or below. Look up words beginning with sub-. How many words have a connection with the meaning above?
What is a subway, submarine?
Look up words with the following prefixes and find out if there are any relations in meaning?
Tele-, Under-, micro-, uni-, re- , over-

1. What events can make lovers unhappy? 2. How do you resolve misunderstandings in relationships? 3. How can time be unkind? 4. In what ways can people undo hurts caused in love relationships? 5. What events lead to mistrust in love relationships?

Grammar corneR

Simple Past

[VERB+ed] or irregular verbs


* You called Debbie.
* Did you call Debbie?
* You did not call Debbie.

Complete List of Simple Past Forms
USE 1 Completed Action in the Past

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.


* I saw a movie yesterday.
* I didn't see a play yesterday.
* Last year, I traveled to Japan.
* Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
* Did you have dinner last night?
* She washed her car.
* He didn't wash his car.

USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.


* I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
* He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
* Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?

USE 3 Duration in Past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc.


* I lived in Brazil for two years.
* Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
* They sat at the beach all day.
* They did not stay at the party the entire time.
* We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
* A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.

USE 4 Habits in the Past

The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as "used to." To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc.


* I studied French when I was a child.
* He played the violin.
* He didn't play the piano.
* Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
* She worked at the movie theater after school.
* They never went to school, they always skipped class.

USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true. As in USE 4 above, this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression "used to."


* She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
* He didn't like tomatoes before.
* Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
* People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

IMPORTANT When-Clauses Happen First

Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with the word "when" such as "when I dropped my pen..." or "when class began..." These clauses are called when-clauses, and they are very important. The examples below contain when-clauses.


* When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question.
* She answered my question when I paid her one dollar.

When-clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the Simple Past. Both of the examples above mean the same thing: first, I paid her one dollar, and then, she answered my question. It is not important whether "when I paid her one dollar" is at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence. However, the example below has a different meaning. First, she answered my question, and then, I paid her one dollar.


* I paid her one dollar when she answered my question.


The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc.


* You just called Debbie.
* Did you just call Debbie?



* Tom repaired the car. Active
* The car was repaired by Tom. Passive

Programs Offered

Programs offered at iec 09 Tambun are mostly aimed to balance the learners' need. However, we focus on the enjoyable, efficient and effective learning to participants. Students are aimed to master their speaking skill in short time. So we always try to be up to date with the learning methods. These following programs targeted to bring the course participants to think about their life skill.

A. English for children ( Elemantary student )
1. Super kids ( 1,2,3) for grade 1&2
2. Reach Out (1,2,3 ) for grade 3&4
3. Step Out (1,2,3 ) for grade 5&6

B. English for Junior
1. Interlink (1,2)

C. General English
1. Elemantary 1,2,3
2. Intermediate 1,2,3
3. Advanced

D. TOEFL/TOEIC Preparation course

E. In House Training

breaking newz

December 2007, iec bekasi 09 motomania crews toured to Cilember- Puncak Bogor. Led by the funky branch manager convoyed around 15 bikes to spend the night there in a camp. Spending plenty of joyfull. We joked and sang together. camping is not something for us but this is the first time for the branch manager joining camping by moto-touring. One night is actually not enough for us to enjoy the beautiful landscape and amazing waterfalls. It rained a whole day but it's not big problem.